Tuesday, March 24, 2015

There Are Certain People In My Life And I Don't Understand Why.

Let me start by saying- I have seriously been slacking on the blog since the beginning of the year. I don't really have a good answer as to why but I can say the past few weeks/months have been weird for me. There's not any particular reason that stands out in my mind except that I've kind of felt these past few weeks  that I've been trying to figure out who I am. Weird I know. I'm almost 26 and 95% of the time I feel very confident in who I am as a person and what I want out of life. I've jokingly told my family recently I'm going through a "25-year-old" rebellion. Some of you are probably thinking that's true considering the three new tattoos in the past 6ish weeks. I honestly don't know what it is, but it's caught me off guard and it's caused me to slack off in some areas of life, the blog being one of those areas. Or it could just be the fact that I've started a side business making chalkboards that's kept me so distracted but whatever it is, I want to be more focused on this blog. I want to continue to be open and honest, sharing my heart and the work God is doing in my life as he leads.

I made a couple of goals this year (I'm not calling them resolutions), one was to be intentional with everyone I came into contact with, one was to do my hair for work more often. I'll be honest. I've been a lot more successful with the latter.  I'm trying with the first goal, but let me tell you...It's only March and I've failed far more times than I'd like to count. As I discussed with someone earlier tonight, God created us to be relational people. He did not create us to go through this life without anyone else, if that was his plan He would never have created Eve for Adam.

There are so many different people in my life right now. Whether it's friends, church, family, or work, there are numerous people in and out of my life on a daily basis. I work in a job where I come into contact with numerous people daily. Depending on the setting, I can spend a few days, or a few months getting to know my patients through their therapy. Whether it's at work or somewhere else, my goal is the same- to be intentional and to take every opportunity God gives me with someone in my life.

I feel so strongly that every person we come into contact with is in our lives for a specific reason set by God. What I've found is that sometimes, I really struggle with understanding why God puts THOSE people in my life. That was one of the reasons I made it a goal to live more intentionally in my relationships with people this year. Because I truly believe God puts them in our lives for a reason. Maybe it's for a short period of time, maybe it's for a lifetime. Sometimes, God also brings unexpected people back into our lives years down the road for a new reason. Obviously it varies depending on the person and purpose God has. 

Let me tell you- sometimes I'm very thankful for the people God puts in my life. Sometimes I'm not. I sincerely hope that I'm not alone in this. I know I'm not the only one who's seriously questioned why God would put a certain someone in my life. Right?  I think it's natural for us to always want to know the reason why. You would think at 25 I'd understand that there are a lot of things where I'll never know the answer behind the "why." But today, right now, it's something that I still struggle with.  And more recently, it's been a struggle understanding why certain people are in my life at certain seasons of life and other people aren't.

I can look back on my life and think of three very specific people that I know God put in my life for a very specific reason at a very specific time. And I can tell you that out of those three, I know the reason (or as much of the reason as I can understand) for ONE of those people being in my life.  I've cried out to God more times with the other two than I can ever count, trying to understand the why, and He is yet to reveal that to me.

What I'm learning through this is that it's ok not to know the why. God has taught me recently that sometimes, my striving, my attempt at working things out only gets in the way. And sometimes that’s why I don't need to know the why. You see, I am a type A personality person all the way. I like to plan things out. I like to know exactly what the problem is so I can come up with a solution to fix it, even if it's someone else's problem. And I like to be in charge. Guess what, God reminds me pretty frequently that my striving to fix things on my own only causes more problems.

Sometimes my only option is to accept that fact that God has placed these people in my life at a certain time and that there's nothing I can do but give that relationship to him, trusting his working. In the moments recently where my heart has cried out for understanding God has so graciously shown me that sometimes he wants nothing more from me than intercession for the people in my life. Sometimes there's nothing I can physically do or say to fix the problem or the situation but I can ALWAYS go to throne of God lifting that person up to him.

I know that's the first thing I should do. But it isn't always my first thought. But God has so sweetly taught me recently what an amazing blessing and opportunity it is to lift someone up in prayer to the God of the universe. The only one that can change the situation and the very one who put the person in my path in the first place.  As I think about the most recent of those three people in my life, I see how much God has used that person to teach me this lesson. There have been things in that person's life that I can do absolutely nothing about. Yet God in all his infinite wisdom has burdened my heart for this person and has woken me up about eight times in the middle of the night at 3 am sharp with a pressing need to lift this person up in prayer. I know that may sound weird, it's even weird for me to say it. But it's true.

The first few times it happened, I really didn't think any thing about it. But as it continued to happen again and again, distinctly at the same time every night, I began to realize just how much God was teaching me to trust His plan for this person. He began to change my heart for the person and He began to show me what a gift it is to be able to intercede for the people he's placed in my life.

As the weeks went on recently I began to experience some guilt, thinking that I had missed an opportunity to live out and to be an example of Christ to this person. Did I miss out on opportunities with that person, most likely yes. It's hard to admit that but in that guilt, God brought those 3 am wake-ups back and reminded me that He continues to work even when I fail. Praise God, His work does not stop because of my lack of faithfulness. What I've also realized recently is this- as much as I care about the people God brings into my life, as much as I want to fix their problems or help in certain ways, God cares about them so much more. They are His creation and the love that He has for them, like the love He has for me, is something I'll never truly be able to comprehend.

I don't know the people that God has in your life today. I don't know if they are the stranger that you pass at the grocery store to never see again, if they are a family member, or if they are a dear friend. I don't know if you're thankful for them in your life, or if you are crying out to God wondering why on earth that person continues to be in your life. What I do know is this- there is no one in your life today that God does not intend to be there. I don’t know why and you might not ever know that either. But please remember that there is a God that is working all things together for good. He may ask you to step up and physically help that person in the situation they are currently in. He may ask you to give a gentle smile and "Hello" that completely changes a life. He may also ask you to daily bring that person to His throne in pray at 3 am for the next two weeks.

Whatever it is that he's asking you to do, understand and know that He did not create you to go through this life alone and that he wants you to be intentional with the people that he puts before you. That is not always easy but I'm learning that no matter how long or short someone's time is in my life, there is always a reason, even when I don’t understand it and I will trust (hopefully a little more each day) that God is working and that He will be glorified through my interactions with His people. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Moment-By-Moment Decisions To Reach For Grace On A Bad Day

Can I be honest with you and tell you that some days life is hard? Some days I wake up thinking my day is going to go one way and instead it goes a completely different way. For a person that likes to be in charge, who likes to plan, and know exactly what to expect for the day ahead, that's not always easy. On days like that, days like today, I have to constantly remind myself that a bad day does NOT equal a bad life. Please tell me I'm not the only person that feels this way.

Today was one of those days. I fully expected the day to turn out one way and from the very beginning it headed in a different direction.  Today was a day where my overly active girly emotions threatened to take over multiple times (for a rather stupid reason I might add)  and I had to fight hard to keep them in check. Today was a day where I had to make a conscious effort all day long not to get irritated with those around me. I had to make a choice not to be cranky and upset by every little thing and at times it was hard.

Today was what I like to call a moment-by-moment day. One of those days where I have to ask for God's grace and peace moment-by-moment. Can I tell you how thankful I am that He offers that unfathomable grace and peace to me?

I am so very undeserving of the grace that God gives me. There is NOTHING I will ever be able to do to deserve it but for some reason, He is always there, always offering it to me.  Days when I feel like things are falling apart, He is there holding it all together in His hands. Colossians 1:17 tells us this-

"He is before all things, and in him all things hold together."

I'm so thankful that the creator of the universe holds all things together in His hands so we don't have to. In my head I know this truth, I know in those moments where chaos sets in, He is whispering for me to let go, to trust that He's got it. Yet it seems like a lesson I'm constantly having to learn over and over again.

When I look back over the last several months, I see God's teaching of this very lesson in my life. I hear His voice calling out for me to let go of the situation, trusting fully that He is in control and He is holding all things together.

I think in life however, it's hard for us to do that at times. At least it is for me. We live in a society that is driven my selfishness. Everything around us is geared towards making us happy, making sure we get exactly what we want, making sure everything is smooth sailing. And that's not reality. We have become so consumed with our own personal happiness and making sure everything in life goes exactly according to our plans, we have taken the reins back from the only one who has walked the path before us.

We often decide we know better than He does and we often take a short cut just to avoid what appears to be a rocky road ahead. What I find so often in my own life is this- when I try to hold it all together, when I try to map out the route, that's when things fall apart. That’s when a bad day begins to look like a bad life, and those overly active girly emotions begin to pop up again.

The fact of the matter is this- there will ALWAYS be bad days in life. There will ALWAYS be trials and struggles. And God will ALWAYS be there, offering his grace and peace for the moment. I don't think we will ever get to a place in this life where we don't face those bad days. It's a product of a fallen world. I think so often we think that a life in Christ is without struggle, without bad days. And that's simply not the case.

Does God like to see His people suffer? No. Does God allow us to stay in tough situations at times? Yes. But He doesn't do it because he gets enjoyment out of our hardship. He doesn't do it because he likes to see us squirm or because he likes to watch us fight back emotions all day. I think sometimes He allows us to remain in those situations, he allows the apparent bad days to happen because it reinforces our need of Him.

He didn't put us on this earth so we had to figure everything out and do everything on our own.  We are His creation and as such, He wants us to find our strength in Him. He wants to pour out that grace over our lives so that we can be victorious over the situations of our bad days. It's why He sent his son to die for us. Knowing that I don't have to figure it all out on my own, that I don't have to be in charge and that I don't have to hold all things together should be a balm for my wounded spirit on those bad days. Psalm 29:11 tells us-

"The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace."

I firmly believe that in EVERY situation in our lives, God is there pouring out His grace, His peace, His love, and His strength. At some point, we must decide to relinquish control and reach out and take what He is offering. It's a concept that seems so simple, yet on days like today, it often becomes a moment-by-moment decision. And that's ok.

I like to think that one day, I'll welcome the "bad days" of life with a smile on my face knowing that at the end of it,
I'll be closer to the savior than when I started, having reached out and taken hold of His strength and peace with every breath I took.

He is certainly there offering it to each of us. And we each have a choice to make. In every situation, we must choose whether to allow a bad day to seem like a bad life, or to reach out and find the strength that we need, moment-by-moment drawing close to the Savior who's holding all things together.

There will be moments when I fail to reach out and take hold of the strength and grace He is offering. Days when I lose my cool and make a bad situation worse but God will still be right there waiting. Waiting to remind me that His mercies are new every morning and that He has the grace I need moment-by-moment. I just have to decide to take it.