For some time I had this idea of putting a
panel of girls in their 20's and in college together to answer questions that
our youth girls had. Questions that maybe they were too embarrassed to ask or
questions that were to personal to their hearts to share out loud. When we
decided to do a back-to-school sleepover for the girls Friday night, I knew
this was the perfect place to do the panel! I had the opportunity to be on the
panel with 5 amazing women, all of which had different backgrounds and stories
but one common thread in their love for The Lord.
I will NEVER be able to thank Kim, Hayley,
Sara, Kristen, and Kacie enough for their truth and honesty to those questions
that we had the opportunity to answer. These girls laid their hearts on the
line and were willing to be open and vulnerable with the girls all so that God
might be glorified and the girls might grow in their own faith. To each one of
you I say Thank you!! I don't think any of us realized what we were getting
ourselves into.
When the girls arrived, we had each one
take a piece of paper and write their questions down for us to answer.
Completely anonymous, hopefully completely open and honest. In all my 25-year-old
wisdom, I thought "There is no way these 6th-12th grade girls are going to
ask "deep" meaningful questions for us to answer." So in case
the questions didn’t address the burning topics we wanted them to, we stacked
the box with questions that would ensure some heartfelt conversations. Boy was
I wrong! I can't even begin to tell you the truth and honesty written on those
lines. What I saw was hurts, fears, and breaking hearts in that box of
Because of the depth of questions and
limited time, we were unable to cover all the questions that the girls had. As
I read the remainder of the questions Saturday afternoon, I knew that we
couldn't leave them unanswered. I've been playing around with the idea of a
blog for some time and these questions were the push I finally needed to do it.
Not so that I can answer all the questions of the world, but so that hopefully
I can use my own trials, struggles, and insecurities as an example to others
and perhaps God can use his work in my life to bless others. I certainly can't tackle this on my own. (I
think when you see the depth of questions, that will make sense.)
My idea is to answer 10 of the remaining
questions here on the blog with the help of "guest bloggers" and
panel members. While these questions were written by 6th-12th graders, I think
they are questions that are relevant to each of us, no matter what our age. My
prayer is that as you read these questions and our responses, that your heart
will be blessed. That wounds that you have may be healed by the Father and that
through our trials and struggles, you will see the love that God has for YOU!
So here we go… Question #1
Why do
we make friends and get so close just for the friendship not to last?
When I was in high school, I had a number
of different groups of friends. Sports friends, Church friends, this group of
friends, that group of friends, and so on. Each of those groups was different
in their own way, and they didn't necessarily all like each other, but I tried
to be friends with everyone. There were friends during that time of my life
that meant everything to me. Girls that I did everything with and talked about
everything with. Girls that knew more about who I was, than my parents did at
that time. Girls that no matter how many times we fought over the same boy
Monday through Thursday, we'd still spend the night with each other on Friday.
When I think back on those friendships, there isn't a single one that's the
same today as it was then.
While I don’t see a lot of those girls
nowadays, I can guarantee that we aren't who we were then. We grow and we
change. Good or bad, sometimes the circumstances of life change or end those
friendships. I think so many times in
high school we try to be the person that everyone else wants us to be just so
we can fit in or just so we can have friends. At some point in life, we
discover who we truly are for the first time and unfortunately, those
friendships don't always fit with the "new" you. That's not a bad
thing. It just means sometimes the friendships change.
I know for me sometimes, its hard to
imagine having people in my life today as such close friends and not having
them in that same position tomorrow, but sometimes that's the reality of life.
That doesn't mean that we should shy away from getting close to anyone just for
fear of them not being a part of our lives someday. God created us to be
relational. He created us to have relationship with him and he also created us
to have relationship with other people. We see it from the creation of Eve in
Genesis all the way through the bible. Even Jesus had a group of 12 that he
spent time with and poured into. And remember, he knew that one of those 12
would betray him and that one would deny even knowing him, yet he still felt
they were worthy of his time and effort.
I don't think God wants us to go through
life with the fear of getting close to anyone just because they may not be there
a few years down the road. Sometimes, they aren't meant to be there a few years
down the road. Sometimes, they choose not to be there a few years down the
road. That doesn't change the value of that friendship during that time in our
lives. When I think about that group of girls in high school and how we've all
changed, I wish those girls nothing but the best and I so enjoy seeing what's
going on in each of their lives, even if I'm not a part of it. We each have our
own paths now and for the most part, those paths don't cross on a regular
basis, but even if I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't change the time I
had with each of those girls in my life.
Yes, there were rocky times. Yes, there
were times when we fought, we didn't get along, and we didn't necessarily like
each other. There were times when I chose my path and they chose theirs. But we
made it work and we helped each other through that time in our lives. We had
our problems and issues, but I can't imagine going through that chapter of my life
without anyone else. The truth is, I wasn't meant to. God put each of those
girls in my life at that season. He has chosen to put other people in my life a
this season. Just because those same high school friends aren't in my life now
doesn't mean that they weren't in my life for a reason and that those
friendships mean any less to me than others now.
So I'll say this- thank God for the
friendships that you have now and the people in your life now. Trust him in the
fact that there is a reason each of those people are in your life. Maybe they
need you more than you need them. Don't miss out on an opportunity to be a
blessing to someone just because they might not be there down the road. Trust
God that he knows what he is doing and that he will give you the grace and
peace to accept whatever is to come at the exact time you need it. Remember he
didn't create you to go through this life alone. Don't let your fear of
friendships ending cause you to miss out on the blessing of those friendships
Katie, thank you for loving on our girls. You are such a blessing to them.. and to me.