Monday, August 25, 2014

We are free.

Galatians 5:1- It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

Several months ago on my Pandora station I came across this song- I am set Free by All Sons and Daughters.  I immediately fell in love with the truth of this song. "You are the hand that reaches out to save. I am set free. It is for freedom that I am set free."

I started thinking, am I living in the freedom that God has offered to those who trust in him or am I living a life still bound by the chains of my sins and failures. The chains of my hurts, my past relationships, my broken dreams and promises, or my future wants? The truth is that Christ's death on the cross broke every single one of those chains. When he conquered death, he also conquered sin. He didn't come and die so that we might still live in bondage to the sins and struggles of life. John 10:10 tells us that he has come that we may have LIFE and have it to the fullest. That we might be set free.

Sometimes I think that I hold onto these things for fear of change or if I'm honest, because of a lack of trust in the Savior.  I'm afraid of the things in life that will be different, the people that may or may not remain in my life, the things that I may or may not be required to do, the hopes and dreams that I may be required to give up. Instead of letting go of my fears/anxieties/doubts related to these things, I hold onto to those chains and I choose to miss out on the full life that God has for me. I chose to live as a slave to these things instead of in the freedom that comes from a relationship with God. If I truly trust his plans and purposes for my life, then why do I choose to continue living outside his freedom?

He didn't set me free to continue living with my hands and feet bound by chains. He set me free for freedom. Freedom to be who he called me to be. Freedom to go where he leads. Freedom to serve where he plants. Freedom to love like he loves. If I can't grasp the idea of Freedom in Christ how can I ever effectively share that freedom with non believers. Why would they even want what I have if they continue to see me living in the chains of a life  bound by my sin and shame?

I can just imagine the joyous sound of chains falling. The sound of people opening up their hands and letting go. Letting go of the fears, anxieties, and doubts to live in the freedom that God has offered. To let go of the chains that God has already broken to live in the free full life that he has provided.

Brothers, sisters, we are free. The chains are already broken. They are ready to fall if we can only let go and trust the one who broke those chains. "We are free to love like God has loved. We are free to give like He gave. Oh we are free from sin, we are free to begin to forgive as He forgave. We are free. We are free."

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